Sunday, August 14, 2016

Love & Respect Marriage Conference in Ganda

Our schedule was complex given that two conferences were running simultaneously. Half the Love & Respect team started in Ganda and then half way through the three-day program, at lunchtime, we all hopped in a car and switched locations. Every team member had messages from the Lord to share and so we had to share team members. It's important to note that this is the first time Ganda has received a team for such a conference and we were all mutually blessed.

Mountain of Glory Church in Ganda

Pr Kahindi's home and the food preparation location

We cannot go without mentioning the powerful worship in this place.

Cindy B launched the conference with a message about Covenant Marriage.

Bill teaching Love is a Decision

Cindy B teaching Choosing to Stay

Cindy B praying for the people
following her opening message about Covenant Marriage.

Jean teaching about Setting Goals for Your Family

Leslie teaching about Sexual Intimacy in Marriage

Lori teaching about Finding Your Purpose

Lori teaching about Proverbs 31 Woman
Jean in the background teaching about Setting Goals for Your Family

Mike and Cindy teaching about the Five Love Languages

Jean closed the first session with Building a Godly Marriage

The Ganda ladies blessed the whole team with kangas
 to be properly dressed as a Kenyan.

The second half of the team members were given Kiswahili names.
Zawadi means Gift and Mapenzi means Love.

What a blessing to be with Bishop, his wife, and Pr Njuguna.
Bill, Lori, Cindy B, and Jean before making the Watamu switch.

While each team member could (and is invited to) share those personal moments where they saw the Lord working in the lives of these couples, the real praise will come six months and later when we hear testimonies about how the conference touched marriages throughout coastal Kenya. Praising God in advance for his move in so many marriages in this area.

Thanking God for the help of the whole team, but especially for Pr Ephantus who cared for the Ganda team throughout so that I could be moving between the two locations.

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