Day One:
Three practice drives in Uganda and I’m taking the girls to Nakumatt today. I hope they know where they’re going. Katie is keeping me on the left and Karen is giving directions. Becky recommended assigning someone for speed bump patrol too, but I’m out of girls.
Day Two:
I dropped Katie off at school for a clean-up day – only one helper in the car – and made it home all by myself. I’m such a big girl now.
Day Eight:
I’m an old pro at driving one particular path. I can get to Village, to Roslyn Academy, and to Jacaranda Creations. Just as I started to feel like I need more variety in the places I drive, off to church we went…highway and lots of road construction. I’ll never complain about Michigan road construction again (for a while). Then…the power steering and brakes went out just as we neared home (thank you, Lord). We made it, but almost took out a few posts and gates along the way. Big trucks are hard to turn and stop without power. Worked up a sweat on that one.
I hauled out my dusty old knowledge of how to jump a car battery and the dusty old jumper cables that went with it. The second car’s battery was dead. Dead beyond revival.
Just as I was wishing for a road map of Kenya like we have in the states, so that we could have a driving/sightseeing adventure, it all came to a screeching halt. Oh well, God probably protected us from something.