Recently Brenda brought some small (by American standards) financial needs of the Jacaranda Creations women to a group calling themselves Seed of the Lord. This group is interested in anonymously offering microloans to meet these needs. Their heart is not only to meet the needs of these ladies, but also to help them learn financial principles that will give them a greater opportunity for success in the future.
Jacaranda Creations, Seed of the Lord, and Surprised by Hope worked side-by-side to bring relief to these ladies by creating and delivering a workshop (my role) to help them prepare a simple financial plan. We hope to continue providing workshops that will lead to even greater growth and prosperity by helping the ladies develop and implement full business plans.
To all of our surprise, about 20 ladies and a few men appeared in the doorway as an expression of their desire to learn these financial principles. Granted, some came thinking that a microloan meant we were giving way free money…but they stayed. Maybe they learned a thing or two that will help them even if we didn’t give them free money.