Ban Café is a small coffee and pastry shop outside the Nakumatt Oasis (grocery store/mall). The team was scheduled to meet an American family living and working in Karamoja. We hoped to learn more about their ministry before we connected with them during our trip there.
As I sat alone on the wrought iron bench, the light began to wane. I pondered how exactly I’d gotten here. I don’t take these long, solitary moments often (perhaps not often enough), but in those quiet times I feel at peace. Sometimes sad, but always at peace.
I look at the people busily coming and going and wonder about their lives. What hurts and hopes do they have? How did they get here? Life is so very different in Uganda. Although it’s obvious that their paths are different from Americans, what isn’t as obvious is the difference in our responses to similar circumstances. And still, the people come and go. The hands on the clock at the tower in the center of the round-about go round-about. They never stop.
What will my life’s line look like in the end? If my life were somehow measured using a line graph – or perhaps a seismograph – what would my line look like? How much control do I have over what it looks like? How much control do I want?