I gave the small one an apple and rather than trying to eat that apple he proceeded to pound the bejeebers out of that thing all over the floor. It was like he knew he was making applesauce and that the treat was inside a piƱata. At one point he put that apple back inside the bag of about 10 other apples. I went digging for that mashed disaster of an apple and couldn’t find it again. Really…did God restore the apple? Huh.
The women wanted to show us the mats they were weaving in their part of the prison so we followed behind. Kneeling to wait for the keeper, I snuck the first ever boy doll into the hands of the baby prison boy. Oh he was so very happy and maama was surprised and thankful too. Baby prison boy started talking to his dolly and making all kinds of lip smacking sounds. Occupied for a while, loved for a lifetime.