Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A Dolly for Mark from Sarah

I had the idea that I’d spent lots of time with lots of different babies during my Christmas Eve day at the Sanyu Babies Home. Surely this was the best way to spend my day, divided among the so many in need. But God had other plans (I just love when that happens). I’m even getting so I have the expectation that God will show me what to do once I take that first step. Truly walking in faith…so amazing!

Tiny Mark lay in his crib contentedly and the sign above his bed read that he was 1 year old. Mark was the picture of malnourishment but was more likely the victim of malaria gone bad or some other never to be determined illness. A bit listless, Mark could hardly turn his head from side to side. Yep, I scooped up this little boy and found a nearby chair where we sat comfortably for hours. Mark just lay on my chest breathing slowly, tiny eyes wide open, bony arms and legs sprawled across my body while we sang Jesus Loves Me over and over. He scarcely expressed any sense of recognizing the human contact but I knew…

Mark’s last name is Kiriguajjo which I’m told means “it is finished.” The meaning made me think more about this tiny life. A life discarded at birth as if it was already finished. A life mirroring Jesus’ crucifixion statement, something we cannot forget on the eve of his birth. Is this the end for Mark? Is this the finish of his life, in this home where he was unwanted by any loving mother? Sadness crept into my heart at the idea that he would never play with the other children and that his life would likely be very short. As a result I decided that a dolly would be a good lifelong companion for this boy. I don’t typically give girl dolls to boys but they so need one another.

Mark hardly responded at the gift but I tucked her under his arm and we continued to snuggle for another hour or so. When the time came to pull myself away from this breakable thing, I laid Mark in his crib with his Sarah-dolly at the head. Mark began to wail, he cried, he DID know he was being cuddled and he did like it. Tears filled my eyes but I knew I couldn’t stay forever so I tucked that dolly in close to his chest and he quieted just a bit. After a gradual pulling away, Mark was left with his Sarah-dolly and I was left with a little hole in my heart.

Merry Christmas to Mark and to me.