Kakira Sugar is one of the most popular brand names in Uganda and I recently learned that the name is simply based on location. Apparently Kakira is the name of a town here. Kakira Prison is no different…named after the town.
Carpenter John was invited to be involved with Kakira Prison the same way he is with Bugembe Prison but the dates and times conflicted. As a result, Pastor Emmanuel serves as chaplain there and the two men remain partners in their efforts to minister to the people in prison.
A short introductory visit there allowed me to deliver a few Bibles as well as to talk for a few brief moments about having hope. We stood on the “porch” – a ledge wide enough to hold a small handful of men – during this introduction. Carpenter John and Emmanuel have hope that we’ll be able to start skills development training in this prison like the program in Bugembe Prison.
Please praise God with me for what he will do in Kakira Prison to help the prisoners learn skills that transform them into productive members of their community, their country, and the body of Christ.