Carpenter John has been coming to Bugembe Prison for 11 years. He encourages a man inside the prison to function as the spiritual leader with the informal title of pastor. Well, pastor Frederick is “graduating” soon and I was so encouraged to see that he is raising up Geofrey to stand in his place. Geofery was one of a few prisoners who was here last time I visited and in anticipation of my arrival he slipped me a note.
I am K****** Geofrey a prisoner. I appreciate what you have done for us by the time I have been in prison. Thank you very much. I came in prison when I am not saved but I found Jesus in prison by the time you were preaching and I took Jesus as my Savior. I was sentenced of 18 months and I am finishing in May but I do not have where to start from. I know I will succeed because of you Ms. Leslie, I know how to shave hair and to sew clothes.
Thank you
Jesus bless you
Now seriously…you never know what God is doing in people because of your simple acts of love.