Sanyu means happy. Happy Babies Home. I was surprised to find this home to be a genuine place of happiness. Although one can never know for sure, I got the sense of purity from this place (a freedom from the corruption that plagues so many such places). As I passed through the gate the happily playing 2 and 3 year old children hugged my legs (wiping their slimy noses all over my pants, a likely source of my current cold). After hugging them, boogers and all, I made my way to the newborn baby section of this lovely campus where I was intercepted by Silvia, the administrator.

The workers here held and played with the children of all ages and they did so with a sense of joy and playfulness rather than obligation and effort. Few babies cried or fussed, many of them played, climbed, and toddled to their little hearts’ content. My day at this home was one of contented happiness to see that these children were being well cared for.