Carpenter John observed my mushy responses to children in Uganda and sneakily added two orphanage visits to our agenda. Our first visit was to Shelemiah AIDS Orphans’ Care Ministries where Dennis pours out his compassion on a group of primary school age children orphaned because of AIDS.
I scarcely stepped from the car before being bombarded by hugs from children of all sizes…and well…you know how the rest of this story goes. Yep…I melted like a snowman. The children ushered me into their garden area and Dennis and I talked a bit about ways we might be able to work together. A brief tour of the compound revealed a very nice place for short term teams to stay while they minister to these beautiful children.

A few mother-widows waited for our arrival at the nearby church. Unknowingly, we were to have arrived about two hours earlier so many of these women had gone home already. After excusing the men save Dennis, he translated a message God put on my heart especially for these widows. I believe we all received a little grace and love from God during those few private moments of sharing.
Needless to say, I’m looking forward to getting to know this ministry and the women and children within. Thank you, Jesus, for the eyes to see and the heart to love the people here.