Thursday, December 15, 2011

A Dolly for Esther from Amelia

Esther, the oldest of the three girls sequestered in the Jacaranda workshop for gift-giving, was all smiles after she received her gift. She could hardly keep her dolly away from her face for all the snuggling. I finally managed a photo with the doll just a little lower so that you could see that bright smile with her tongue sticking through where her two front teeth are coming in.

Esther, Beatrice, and Chico

Because she was a bit older and understood a smidge of English and because Jesus birthday is coming soon, I talked to Esther about Mary the mother of Jesus. I reminded Esther that Mary was the mother of Jesus. Jesus was God’s son, His child. I told her that she is his child too. I encouraged her to love this little dolly to remind her how much God loves all His children, especially her.

Thanks to my own momma for putting together this little story of love to share with the girls who get dollies.